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Methanol Fuel Cell Series Project Through the Acceptance

Industry News
2018/01/06 17:01

Recently, by dalian institute of chemical physics, Chinese academy of sciences, alcohol fuel cell and compound electric energy research center researcher sun tribal chief experts "methanol fuel cell series" through acceptance of the project.

The project started in December 2012, development of DMFC in December 2014-25 - R - 12, DMFC - 50 - U and DMFCS - 200 - U direct methanol fuel cell products through ZhengYang confirmed, 2016 2 menstrual identification of inspection, on December 14, 2017, through the appraisal review. Direct methanol fuel cell power system technology, testing technology, low temperature environment adaptability, reliability optimization design model, technology, etc. Through the technical appraisal. Project complete technology platform construction, formed the 25 w - 500 w direct methanol fuel cell development ability, meet the direct methanol fuel cell series product research and development and mass production requirements.

The project of the direct methanol fuel cell is China's first set of products through the pattern evaluation series of fuel cell products, can be widely used in automotive, communications and other portable mobile power supply.